Internship Scholarship Program



In the last few years it has become increasingly noticeable that the employee candidate pool for government finance careers has been shrinking. As many of us know, careers in government finance can be very diverse, stable, rewarding, can offer a good life/work balance, as well as good benefits. It is the desire of WFOA to encourage college students to explore a career in government finance and the advantages that this career path can offer by providing scholarships and/or a paid internships to a select group of students each year.  For more information regarding the WFOA Internship Program, please contact

General Guidelines

WFOA governmental members can apply for an Internship: WFOA will set aside funds each budget year for internships annually of $5,000 each per entity.

Students may apply for a Scholarship: WFOA will annually set aside funds for a limited number of applicants to receive a reimbursement scholarship of up to $500 each for students who complete a class in governmental accounting.

The job shadowing program is for students partnering with governmental entities to help students to learn more about governmental accounting/finance. Job shadowing is a day – 2 day experience which is coordinated between the parties based on the students’ interest and the entity’s availability.

Mission of the Scholarship/Internship Program

Mission of the Scholarship/Internship Program is to provide Washington public entities assistance in working towards sustainability in the governmental accounting workforce.

WFOA Public Finance Careers

WFOA Intern Program Guidelines

WFOA Student Intern Application

WFOA Tuition Reimbursement Scholarship

WFOA Entity Application