Education Committee

The WFOA Education Committee’s mission is to provide professional and relevant training to our membership. This committee is made up of elected officials, public employees, and affiliate members.

Throughout the year, WFOA sponsors Non-Conference Training which may include educational meetings, seminars, workshops and webinars held throughout the State. The Education Committee has an active role in developing these Continuing Professional Education (CPE) programs for WFOA members by providing guidance on topics for instruction, securing class instructors/presenters, as well as coordinating local classes in their geographic area.

The WFOA Education Committee’s many activities means there is always an opportunity to volunteer. A member can choose how much or how little they are able to serve. The committee meets monthly via virtual meetings, which allows statewide participation without the need to travel or leave your office.   Committee members may choose to help with coordination of trainings, class/conference logistics, and moderate conference sessions allowing members to do what will work for you!

To begin your participation, please contact the Education Committee Chair by clicking HERE, fill in the form to the right, or stop by the Education Committee table at the Annual Conference to talk with active committee members.

Education Committee Charter

Membership Expectations

Education Committee Meeting Minutes

Meeting minutes may be made available upon request to the Education Committee Chairs or the WFOA Secretary.